Actress Rashmika Mandanna will be seen with Ayushmann Khurrana following the film Pushpa 2. Both will be seen together in the horror-comedy film Thama. Recently, the duo shared an adorable behind-the-scenes video from the set, giving fans a sneak peek into their chemistry and fun-filled moments during filming.
Rashmika Mandanna posted the video on Instagram, wishing her fans, “Hope you’re having a wonderful holiday. See you in 2025!”
This film is being directed by Aditya Sarpotdar, director of film Munjya.
This film of Rashmika and Ayushmann will be released in theaters on the occasion of Diwali in the year 2025. If reports are to be believed, the story of the film Thama is based on the present Delhi and the Vijayanagar Empire of the past.
The film Thama was announced on 30 October 2024. Many actors including Paresh Rawal, Nawazuddin Siddiqui will be seen in the film. According to the information, the shooting of the film was started on the night of 12 December 2024.
Paresh Rawal, Rashmika and Ayushmann shot the introduction scenes of their characters. It is believed that the shooting of the film was started from Delhi.