Well-known actress Divyanka Tripathi, eagerly awaiting the release of her new streaming series The Magic of Shiri, recently shared her unique preparation for the role, revealing that she attended a magic workshop to master the art of illusion and concealment. The show, set to debut on JioCinema Premium on November 14, promises to take viewers on an inspiring journey of self-discovery, passion, and resilience.
A Slice-of-Life Drama with Heartwarming Themes
The Magic of Shiri is a heartfelt, slice-of-life drama that follows the life of Shiri, a dedicated homemaker who rediscovers her passion and dreams after an unexpected twist in her life. The series captures the spirit of second chances, as Shiri delves into the enchanting world of magic. This inspiring story aims to highlight the power of rekindling lost ambitions and finding one’s rightful place in the world, regardless of age or gender.
Alongside Divyanka Tripathi, the show features actors Javed Jaffrey and Namit Das, adding to its diverse and talented cast.
Preparation for the Role: Magic and Dance Workshops
Discussing her role, Divyanka shared her enthusiasm for the character of Shiri, saying, “The Magic of Shiri is all about magic, which brings back memories of my childhood in Bhopal, particularly the unforgettable Jaadugar Anand show that used to captivate me. To step into Shiri’s shoes, I attended a magic workshop and practiced hard, even though I can be a bit clumsy.”
Understanding that the performance of a magician often intertwines elements of dance and theatrical expression, Divyanka also joined a dance workshop to further enhance her portrayal of Shiri. “It was such a wonderful experience working on this show,” she added, expressing her excitement about the immersive preparation process.
Breaking Stereotypes in the World of Magic
The recently released trailer showcases Shiri’s determination to fulfill her lifelong dream of becoming one of the world’s finest magicians. Through sheer willpower and resilience, Shiri strives to break through industry stereotypes and gender biases to carve out a legacy in a traditionally male-dominated field. Despite the challenges, she holds steadfast, refusing to let her inner drive falter.
A Collaborative Production
Presented by Jio Studios, The Magic of Shiri is produced by Jyoti Deshpande and Tanveer Bookwala under Ding Infinity, promising a cinematic journey that celebrates ambition, transformation, and the courage to pursue dreams at any stage of life.